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It is located in Bai Chay ward, Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province in which  577 is the main investor. The project's area is 32.18ha. The main products for this project are villa lots. Total estimated investment is 452bn VND, 60% of which is financed by 577 and 40% of which is financed by Viet Thanh Financial Investment Joint Stock Company (formerly Viet Garden Company) The expected completion time will be in 2012. Until 31 December 2010, the project has received the 1/500 zoning, the project is under land clearance process and will start construction in the third quarter of 2011.

- Gross area:

321,800 m2

+ For living:

103,790 m2

+ For service construction:

 22,636 m2

+ For transport:

86,387 m2

+ For green area:

108,987 m2

. Forest land:

102,195 m2

    . Allowable distance from tree area to electric networks: 6,792 m2

- Total investment capital:

581.6bn VND


- Completed the procedure relating to special-use forest land will be changed to use for construction purpose.
- The project was approved of correcting the detailed plan 1/500 by People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province.
- The basic design dossier was ratified.

- Ongoing to implement compensation.

- Expected to start construction in Q4 2015.
Map location

Drawings with the planning of land use

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